Friday, September 9, 2016

Freeport Kiwanis Ride for Ribbons Bicycle Ride

Join us Saturday September 17, 2016 for a FREE, FUN ride on the Butler Freeport Community Trail.

From 9am until 12pm, bicyclists can ride 10 miles out to the Winfield Road Trailhead and earn ribbons at certain mile markers.

The ride starts in at the Laneville Trailhead in Freeport.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Group from the Ride

An awesome group! Just the right pace. No one left behind. 16 miles and lots of smiles!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Two Rides on Saturday!

If you still want to support the New Kensington Better Block Ride, here is the information.

The New Ken Better Block Ride starts at Grace Community Presbyterian Church at 2751 Grant Street.

Time is 10:00 am, Saturday, May 2, 2015. Mr. Rennick Steele will be hosting. It is a free ride. Helmets required.

I am still doing the ride from Freeport!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ride Has Changed!

The ride has now changed!  The insurance company will not give us permission to ride up the hill
into Lower Burrell.

We will still be riding from Freeport and headed to the Treadway Trail but we will not ride to New Kensington.

Depending upon interest, we may ride on the Butler Freeport Trail as well.



Will this is a free ride, a waiver needs to be signed for each rider.  Helmets are also required.

1st Freeport Rail Trail Ride

Signature _____________________________________ (Parent’s Signature if Rider under 18) Date________ (NOTE: By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the conditions explained in the waiver printed on this form.)
Printed Name____________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________ Age on ride day _____ City___________________ State___ Emergency Contact (             ) ____---_______
Email Address___________________________________________________

In the consideration of the foregoing, I, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release all rights and claims for damages against the 2015 Freeport to New Kensington Bicycle Ride, principles, landowners where the ride crosses, all sponsors and volunteers from claims against damages to my equipment in said ride, including and not limited to any injuries I might suffer. I acknowledge that I am aware of the inherent risks in participating in a bicycle ride. I attest and verify that I have health insurance and that I am fit and am physically able for the riding of this event, as certified by a licensed medical doctor. I agree to wear a helmet while participating in this ride. I further consent to the use of my name, image, and picture in advertising, promotion, or other account of this event in the future.

Map from Monday's Preride

This the result of the ride recon ride we did on Monday. The ride should be 12 miles out to New Kensington and then 12 miles back to Freeport for a total of 24 miles.

Friday, April 24, 2015

We are riding from the Fish Commission Boat Launch at the end of High Street in Freeport. I will post mileage after my recon ride.

Leave Boat Launch and ride East on High Street.
Left on 2nd Street.
Cross Buffalo Creek on the right side of the bridge.
Turn left at the traffic light and get on the Butler/Freeport Trail.
Use caution when going under the Lobaugh Bridge.
Turn right and cross the Lobaugh Bridge to Allegheny Twp.
After cross the Allegheny River, turn right and go down below the bridge.
Rail Trail along Allegheny River to Lowe Road in Braeburn.
Right on to Edgecliff
Right on Grant
Right on Washington
Left on Southern
Right on Montana
Left on Hilltop
Right on Myrtle
Right on Michigan
Left on Anne
Left on Kentucky, at stop
Right on Carl
Right on Craig Dell

Go thru Staples parking lot.
Cross Tarentum Bridge Road at the traffic signal.
Up Carl Avenue.  Down the hill into Arnold and along 5th Avenue into New Kensington.